RP Server Rules and Information
Roleplay Terms And Meanings:
Kill On Sight – Is the act of killing another player for no apparent reason and in a non-roleplay fashion.
Powergaming – Is forcing actions against another player without a game mechanic, sacrifices roleplay to favor their own character or “win” the scenario.
Meta Gaming – Is when a player use information he/she has not acquired In Character.
Fear RP / Value Of Life – Is you need to value your character’s life as you would do IRL. This also include the well being of your character (Well fed, hydrated etc)
Vehicle Death Matching – Is the act of driving around in your vehicle and killing people with it for no apparent reason.
Out Of Character – OOC refers to when you are speaking as the real you and are not commencing in roleplay. Using information you have acquired OOC counts as Meta Gaming.
In Character – Can be classified as anything you do as your roleplay character. Any information you acquire IC you can use, IF you share this to your friend OOC he/she will NOT know this information IC otherwise it’s considered Meta Gaming.
New Life Rule – Each time you die you start a new life – all your previous memories are lost.
In Game RP Server Rules:
Kill On Sight – Is NOT allowed outside of KOS ZONES. You must make your intentions clear to someone you’d like to rob for example, you must give them reasonable time to comply, if they comply you are NOT allowed to kill them without a good reason, you must leave them with reasonable chance of survival.
Powergaming – You are NOT allowed to force a player RP that’s not in the game mechanic (I’m burning your face).
Meta Gaming – You are NOT allowed to use information you have acquired OOC (Discord, Teamspeak etc).
Fear RP / Value Of Life – At all times you must value your character’s life. Keep your character well fed and hydrated. If someone have a gun on you, you comply the demands.
Vehicle Death Matching – You are NOT allowed to drive around in your car and use it as a weapon to kill people.
Out Of Character – You are NOT allowed to go OOC at anytime when you are on the server. If someone is breaking a rule, take it to Discord.
In Character – You MUST stay IC at all times you are on the server.
New Life Rule – Each time you die you start a new life – all your previous memories are lost.
Fail RP – If you fail to follow Basic RP Rules, you will be punished for Fail RP.
Base Raiding – Is NOT allowed.
After reading all the rules and information above you are now ready to apply for whitelist!
Factions Rules
Register A Faction – In order to Register a Faction you need a minimum 2 players.
Building – A Faction is ALLOWED to build in a smaller city. A Faction is NOT allowed to build in a large city, NOT allowed to build inside PD, NOT allowed to block main roads with gates or walls (Side roads are allowed).
PA System – A Faction is NOT allowed to use a PA System.
War Between Factions – Factions is allowed to have a “war” with another Faction as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. You will NOT be allowed to KOS another Faction member because you are at war. War should be declared clearly and fighting will take part at PVP Zones.
Register Faction (Coming Soon!)
Settlements Rules
Register A Settlement – In order to Register a Settlement you need a minimum 7 players from the same Faction.
Building – A Settlement is ALLOWED to build in a small / large city and build in every building including PD (Must Register your Settlement and Where you will build). A Settlement is NOT allowed to block main roads with gates or walls (Side roads are allowed).
PA System – A Settlement is ALLOWED to use a PA System within the Settlement as long as it’s RP.
War Between Settlements – A Settlement is allowed to have a “war” with another Settlement as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. You will NOT be allowed to KOS another Settlement member because you are at war. War should be declared clearly and fighting will take part at PVP Zones.
Settlement Rules – A Settlement is ALLOWED to make up their own rules within their Settlement, as long it’s not breaking Server Rules.
Register Settlement (Coming Soon!)